Amouri Edwards

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Hello, my name is Amouri Edwards. I am an Illustrator and Animator.

Currently I am 17, and constantly working on new projects, but recently I've invested myself in entrepuership as well as coding; thus this website: I have coded and crafted this entire website from scratch, and designed every item on this domain; all ideas from my imagination.

Throughout my life, I have hopped to many hobbies both visual and performing: any graphic arts to sewing my own clothes, or playing the piano and singing.

I'm not sure yet how I will combine all the things I love but I'm sure I'll formulate a plan soon enough.

My goal for this site is to document my progress as an artist as to reflect later on to my work previously. I look forward to seeing how far I've come
As I continuously adventure through the concrete jungle of New York City, I work wherever the earth provides and continue to work on my craft.

My mission is for my art to support not only myself but for causes that improve our world.

- Amouri Edwards, 2019


When creativity and innovation combine, who knows what the product could be...
If you'd like to learn more about me, click here.


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